16 July 2014

Strut Through Life with Donicia Blanton

It’s safe to say that LaGrange College student Donicia Blanton is on fire this year. A Servant Scholar majoring in Biology and Psychology and minoring in Sustainability and Servant Leadership, she is recognized as a role model for her peers, as well as the young girls she mentors through dance at the YMCA. She works hard and stays stylish doing it! Donicia took time out of her busy schedule to sit down with me Sunday afternoon.

Kadeshia: Thank you for dropping by. Finals season is approaching and you’ve been diligently working this year, how do you keep stress down to a minimum?
Donica Blanton: I keep up with a set schedule and plan ahead mostly. You know, making sure I have “me time” in-between stressful events. I watch a lot of YouTube videos of funny cats and use Bath & Body Works® Aromatherapy body lotion after showers. I also start my mornings with a prayer session, a 15-minute stretch, and abs workout.
Kadeshia: Yeah, aromatherapy and starting the morning right are helpful.

Kadeshia: What does fashion mean to you and what inspires your style?
DB: Fashion means self-expression, the ability to wear one's inner self on the outside for everyone to see. I think that's why we have so much variety in fashion, there’s so many different types of people and we all have different personalities. Everyone has something to bring to the table. Besides being an avid Cosmo reader, I think the biggest influence on my style was growing up in a big city where there was a lot going on and diverse people in an urban environment.
Kadeshia: How would you describe your personal style?
DB: Bohemian with an urban twist but always with an added edge. I always try to throw one or two pieces in there to achieve that.

Kadeshia: No matter how busy you are, I've never seen you wear sweats around campus. How do you do it?
DB: I limit myself to what I call two “bum days” a month. But you know, sometimes it doesn't happen. I like clothes, so it’s fun for me to dress up. I don’t own a lot of leisurely clothing. Except dance clothes, but I’m not going to run around in spandex all day.
Kadeshia: I call them bum days too. So, since you're a busy girl and you don't like bumming it too much, how do you keep your closet organized?