04 August 2014

New Semester Resolutions

There's something about a new semester of school that has always thrilled me. Maybe it's my backpack, that I packed weeks ago, full of new and carefully themed school supplies. Maybe it's the new clothes stored in my closet. Maybe it's the anticipation of events I'll be attending with my friends. But, no matter how stressful the previous semester was because I thought an 8 am class was a great idea, the night before my first day of classes is always spent awake with gut-wrenching excitement.

Every new year means a clean slate. Clean slates mean new school supplies to keep me excited. After gathering this year's selection of supplies, in pink of course, I sat down to think of ways to get the most out of my year.

Study Resolutions
I'm always searching for a study regimen that works for me. And as with all things, there are hits and misses.
Grab a seat in the front row.
Turns out there is truth in my psychology teacher's advice that students that sit in the front row tend to get better grades. Sitting in the front makes it less likely for my mind to wander. In the middle and back rows there are so many temptations! Anyone else find themselves going down the rabbit hole that is social media?
Homework before play.
They say the first step in forming a good habit is admitting that you have a problem. I'm a chronic procrastinator and will work on everything but the essay I should be writing. I'm a fan of the Pomodoro Technique. There's an app for that! It allows  you to give yourself time limits for work and breaks for when your brain starts to feel mushy.
See a tutor as soon as a problem arises.
The majority of the time, my pride doesn't allow me to use the free service of campus tutors to it's potential. This year, that changes. Don't wait until the situation is nearly unsalvageable because ain't nobody got time for that!

Health Resolutions